Day 2 - Golden, BC

Glacier Park Lodge Lounge

After such a sweet day in Revelstoke we woke to the sound of rain bouncing off the tent.  We had hoped for a nicer day for our drive to Golden which would take us through Rogers Pass with stunning mountain views.  The rain never did let up so we missed out on the more spectacular views but we still took our time and enjoyed what we did see.  We made a quick stop at the summit to take pictures of the arch and then stopped in a the Glacier Park Lodge.  I remembered this place from years ago by its legendary lounge.  I’m not sure exactly how to describe the lounge except to say they have every type of road kill imaginable displayed…  I kid you not!  It’s worth stopping by for the heck of it.  And of course they have a great souvenir shop for the kids (don’t worry, the road kill is not for sale!).

Derailed Bike Shop

By the time we reached Golden, it was a torrential downpour that you would normally see in November and we knew we wouldn’t be biking.  We were also very happy that we were staying with friends for the next couple of days and even happier we weren’t tenting it!

On our way to our friends’ place we saw a bike shop called Derailed which was located in a former harness maker’s shop.  You can still see remnants of the old signage on the front of the building and it gets my vote for the most unique bike shop location.  We saw that they were open and so we popped in to see what they would recommend.

We talked to the owner, Jon Simpson, for a while and he gave us several ideas for rides.  The best one appeared to be one called Canyon Creek which would be a 4-hour ride, but started off with a gradual 2% climb which wouldn’t burn us out. He also gave us alot of great info on Mount Seven but unfortunately we won’t have time to ride there on this trip.

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