Archive for October, 2009

Trails on Forbidden Plateau

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
The gang at the end of Cat Nip

The gang at the end of Cat Nip

It seems to be where I’m doing most of my riding these days. Not that I don’t like Cumberland, but the trails over on Forbidden Plateau are a bit more challenging, a lot more fun, and you can do them as a shuttle and skip the grueling climb! Not that I’m lazy, but climbing is still a challenge for my ankle… (And my heart and my lungs and… lol) (more…)

Great Women Riders - Alison Sydor

Saturday, October 17th, 2009
Courtesy of Pedal Mag

Courtesy of Pedal Mag

Today was another day off the bike due to weather (although I can’t complain since I got 2 rides in yesterday) so I decided to pick one of my favourite women mountain bikers to highlight. She’s doing quite well in cyclocross at the moment so the name should sound familiar, Alison Sydor. I picked Alison first since she’s from BC and was inducted into the Mountain Bike Hall of Fame in 2007 and the BC Sports Hall of Fame in 2008. (more…)

Wet, muddy, and dark…

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

That pretty much sums up our ride tonight!

JF, Isablle, and myself before the ride.

JF, Isablle, and myself before the ride.

We don’t know what it is, but Isabelle and I are absolutely addicted to night riding. We’re not sure if it just puts a new spin on old trails, or having the trails to ourselves? Either way, we think we may have our friend, JF, addicted as well! (more…)

You know you’ve had a good week…

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Somewhere on Green Dome

Somewhere on Green Dome

…when you go to do your laundry and it’s almost all mountain biking gear!

I ride between 3-5 times a week but this week was an excellent one for me.  Last April I suffered an avulsion fracture to my right ankle, along with some other soft tissue damage, and this week is the first week I was able to ride without pain.  I can’t even begin to describe to you how awesome that is!  So of course I had to push my limits, just a little bit… (more…)

Snowden Demo Forest

Monday, October 5th, 2009
Lost Lake Trail

Lost Lake Trail

Ah, feels good to be back on my bike!  After we both spent the last week on the couch with colds, we finally got back out there and couldn’t have picked a better day!  Since we were both feeling good and well rested, we decided to go for a distance ride yesterday vs a technical ride.  Best place for that was the Snowden Demo Forest in Campbell River. (more…)

Info for the woman who rides…

Thursday, October 1st, 2009

This past week was spent on the couch with a brutal cold and I was unable to ride so I decided to see just what is out there for women mountain bikers.  In some ways we’ve come so far and in others… (more…)

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