You know you’ve had a good week…

Somewhere on Green Dome

Somewhere on Green Dome

…when you go to do your laundry and it’s almost all mountain biking gear!

I ride between 3-5 times a week but this week was an excellent one for me.  Last April I suffered an avulsion fracture to my right ankle, along with some other soft tissue damage, and this week is the first week I was able to ride without pain.  I can’t even begin to describe to you how awesome that is!  So of course I had to push my limits, just a little bit…

The first ride where I started to realize things were looking up for me was on Wednesday.  I went for a ride with my friend, Pascale, and when she asked me where I wanted to go, I asked her if she wanted to ride an old favourite of mine.  The trail is called Buggered Pig.  How they got the name, I have no clue, but it’s an alternative to the fire road to the top of Broncos (which I ride alot these days).  To get to Buggered Pig, we started off on a trail called Two and a Juice.  It’s a steady uphill climb along a bit of a creek bed, which gets pretty wet once it starts to rain…  The top of Two and a Juice flows into Buggered Pig and it’s more of a connector trail to get to Buggered off the fire road.  Buggered Pig itself undulates, lots of climbing with several sweet descents.  The ride itself was fantastic, but man did it kick my butt!  I didn’t realize how much my cardio had suffered after my injury.  I’m looking forward to doing it again though…

My next ride that was out of the ordinary was today.  Colin and I were going to do a quick shuttle of Cabin Fever over on Forbidden Plateau, but once we got on the trail, we decided to do a couple of the newer routes that we hadn’t done yet this year.  When you get to the trail head for Cabin Fever, you can also turn left and go down a trail called Gecko.  Gecko is a fair bit steeper than Cabin Fever and has a few spots where you really have to watch your line but I was feeling fairly relaxed on my bike so we decided to go for it.  I’m so glad we did!  After Gecko we veered off to a trail called Green Dome, named after all the green moss on the rocks.  Green Dome also has a few steep sections and is another where you really need to watch your line to make sure you front tire doesn’t get hung up.  Both trails were built approximately a year ago and are catching on fast.  They’re in much better shape than they were when we first rode them.

Green Dome then hooks up with Cabin Fever, another favourite of mine, then across a logging road to Transmission.  Transmission has recently been rerouted and the new trail is so much better!  Still a few sections that need to be smoothed out, but it has so much potential.

Colin was playing with his new iPod Nano and took the following video of me on Green Dome and Cabin Fever.  Although I’m still not riding up to speed, I can tell I’m far more relaxed on my bike again.  Did I mention how good that feels?!

Quick Fall Ride, Forbidden Plateau, BC from Kookjai Media on Vimeo.

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2 Responses to “You know you’ve had a good week…”

  1. Wandering Justin Says:

    Hey, the new look is great! Very clean. Thanks for catching me on Twitter, too.

  2. mtnbikinggirl Says:

    Thanks! I never was a fan of the free Webpress themes…

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