Posts Tagged ‘cabin fever’

Trails on Forbidden Plateau

Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
The gang at the end of Cat Nip

The gang at the end of Cat Nip

It seems to be where I’m doing most of my riding these days. Not that I don’t like Cumberland, but the trails over on Forbidden Plateau are a bit more challenging, a lot more fun, and you can do them as a shuttle and skip the grueling climb! Not that I’m lazy, but climbing is still a challenge for my ankle… (And my heart and my lungs and… lol) (more…)

You know you’ve had a good week…

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Somewhere on Green Dome

Somewhere on Green Dome

…when you go to do your laundry and it’s almost all mountain biking gear!

I ride between 3-5 times a week but this week was an excellent one for me.  Last April I suffered an avulsion fracture to my right ankle, along with some other soft tissue damage, and this week is the first week I was able to ride without pain.  I can’t even begin to describe to you how awesome that is!  So of course I had to push my limits, just a little bit… (more…)

Another great week of riding :)

Friday, September 25th, 2009

Well okay, the week isn’t over yet!  The weather here has been great so I’ve been taking advantage of it.  I didn’t ride Tuesday to recover from the Plunge on Monday (ankle was a bit sore afterwards) and then did an easy night ride with Colin last night.  He finally found the charger for his old BLT light and so we went to check them to make sure they were still working and the rechargeable battery still had lots of life.  We chose Moe’s Misery since it was an easy trail we both knew well and should his lights fail, an easy hike back to the car. Fortunately his lights worked, the battery held out, and now I have someone else to night ride with. (more…)

Cabin Fever…

Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009

No, I’m definitely not suffering from it, that’s the name of my new favourite trail!  I was first introduced to Cabin Fever by Colin last fall but only got to ride it once before I left to spend a long, cold Winter in Regina, SK.  We’ve ridden it a couple of times in the past month and each time I swear the trail becomes a lot more fun. (more…)

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