Posts Tagged ‘broncos’

Wet, muddy, and dark…

Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

That pretty much sums up our ride tonight!

JF, Isablle, and myself before the ride.

JF, Isablle, and myself before the ride.

We don’t know what it is, but Isabelle and I are absolutely addicted to night riding. We’re not sure if it just puts a new spin on old trails, or having the trails to ourselves? Either way, we think we may have our friend, JF, addicted as well! (more…)

Mmmmm… Riding in the dark :)

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

We got home from our Kootenay adventure last Saturday night and on the drive back I noticed that it’s starting to get dark a lot earlier in the evenings now and my first thought…  Time to start night riding!  So I fired off a text to my friend, Isabelle, who I knew also had a headlight to arrange a ride.  We managed to find a spare light for a third person, JF, and headed out on Tuesday night.  The trails here in Cumberland are well marked for night riding, bicycle flashers mark the way and they use different colours to help you figure out which direction you’re going so you don’t get disorientated. (more…)

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