Monthly Archives: April 2012

30 Days of Biking Part Deux

Two thirds of the way through 30 Days of Biking! How are you guys doing so far? Here’s a quick status update for days 11 through 20 for me: Day 11 was a quick pedal with the dogs and warm enough for just a jersey! Day 12 was a tech fail. This isn’t the photo I meant to take, but the only photo I managed to take so here you go… Day 13 my friend, Pascale, and I did some trail scouting on Forbidden Plateau to see where the snow level was at. We have a bit longer to wait … Continue Reading »

April Showers

Living in the Pacific Northwest we’re used to a fair bit of rain over the winter months and around this time of year the rainy season ends. We’ve been riding in short sleeves for a good part of April so when the rain returned this week it was a bit hard to take. Yesterday I was itching to get out for a ride and was hoping that if I waited the rain would stop. No such luck. Finally I gave up and loaded the bike onto the car, grabbed the dog, and set off. I’m thankful that we live in … Continue Reading »


After riding the south facing part of Forbidden Plateau last weekend which was snow free, my friend, Pascale, and I decided to check out the trails on the north side. That is where our all-mountain trails live and the trails that you’ll find in a lot of my videos. We’ve been pretty keen to get back on them and knew the snow had been melting fast on this side. We drove to the trailhead for Upper Cabin Fever, but after being greeted by this massive wall of snow, we decided that maybe it was better to start off at the … Continue Reading »

30 Days of Biking – Part One

My 30 Days of Biking has been off to a pretty good start! A bit of lousy weather in the beginning but overall things are warming up. Finally! Here’s a quick rundown of how the first 10 days have gone so far… Day one was still pretty wet and muddy. Luckily our mud is pretty loamy so it just washes right off: Day two was another wet and miserable day. I was feeling lazy so it was just a quick pedal on the trainer before bed. Hey, it all counts! Day three was just a bike in the wild… Day … Continue Reading »