Monthly Archives: October 2012

Foggy Ride

Yesterday I decided to go for a quick solo ride while most of my friends were at work. When I got to the parking lot there was one other vehicle so I knew it was going to be quiet on the trails. Funny how many people stop riding once the rain comes… I was feeling pretty lazy and on the climb up I was thinking about my different route options. With no one to push me it was pretty tempting to slack off, but I’ve just signed up for the 2013 BC Bike Race and I need to build up … Continue Reading »

Summer Road Trip 2012 – Last stop… New Denver!

I had never heard of New Denver before this trip so this was a completely new part of the province for me since my trips usually skirted around the entire Slocan Valley. Our first stop was the local bike shop, which was run out of a shed in Rob’s backyard. We wanted to get the beta for the local trails and possibly get a shuttle to the top of Idaho Peak. Rob’s bike shop was by far the coolest looking shop I had ever seen! Just check out the hanging flower pots! While we were discussing trail options with Rob … Continue Reading »

Summer Road Trip 2012 – Seven Summits Trail

Seven Summits is known as an IMBA Epic and has been on my bucket list for a while so I was pretty stoked to finally get a chance to ride it. After leaving Fernie, we made our way to Rossland and as we were driving the thunderheads were forming fast! By the time we hit Creston, the skies were dark and grey and we were seeing lightning in the distance. Things were looking up by the time we hit Rossland so we got our gear ready for the morning and had an early night. We needed to be up bright … Continue Reading »

Summer 2012 Road Trip – Fernie, BC

As we rolled into Fernie I could see by the clouds that a weather change was coming. The campground we wanted to stay at was full so we spent the first night in a motel. It was just before a long weekend so we knew we’d have to be quick to get back to the campground the next morning if we wanted to get a spot, especially since it was right at the bottom of a sweet trail network so it was the ideal location. The weather the next day was cloudy and cool. We set up camp and debated … Continue Reading »