Kootenay Road Trip

Woohoo!  Road trip!

Tomorrow morning we leave for the Kootenay Region of BC and I am stoked!  Our first ride starts off in Revelstoke on Saturday and from there we head to Golden.  Eventually we will hit up Cranbrook, Creston, and Nelson, with a few stops inbetween.

I’ve spent the past month preparing to make sure my ankle can handle it.  I’m still recovering from an avulsion fracture and associated soft tissue damage so it’s been a bit of a battle getting the strength back into it but I think I’m ready!  I saw the orthopedist this week and I am still allowed to bike providing my ankle is well taped and I wear a brace.  No biggie, I’ve been doing that anyway.

Today has been fun getting all the last minute things together.  Our house looks like a bomb has hit it as Colin and I go through our stuff to see what we both have and who’s equipment would be better for the trip.  One thing we’re in dire need of is a decent tent…  Mine is on it’s last legs and I think Colin’s is in even worse shape.  We used mine for the BC Bike Race (we were volunteers for the MASH unit) and it was okay since it didn’t rain, but not so much for the little adventure we have planned.  There will be a lot more dew in the mornings at this time of year and my tent isn’t waterproof.  So that will be our first stop when we get off the ferry in Vancouver tomorrow.

Now I just need to figure out what to pack and I’m set.  However, I think I’d better pack light. Looking at the mountain of stuff we both hope to bring, I’m starting to wonder how we’re going to get it all in the car…

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