Justin for Airborne Flight Crew!

Some of you might remember Justin from his tireless campaign to help me secure a spot on the Specialized Trail Crew, or you might remember him from a series of blog posts that we co-wrote last year. I discovered that he had applied for the Airborne Bicycles Flight Crew for 2012 and so I thought I’d write a quick blog post on why I think he would be the perfect addition to the team.

Aside from being a pretty awesome writer who has been published in magazines like Mountain Flyer and is currently writing for Examiner.com among others, he loves bikes and better yet, he loves writing about them! Just a quick search of his personal blog shows you he’s a true bike fanatic. Still not convinced? Check out the latest blog he’s contributing too.

He also knows where to find good coffee and beer. Perfect person to bring on a road trip!

But best of all… When Justin isn’t travelling or riding his bike, he comes up with real gems like this…

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2 comments for “Justin for Airborne Flight Crew!

  1. Justin
    February 3, 2012 at 10:02 pm

    Damn, I was gonna apply, but would be kind of confusing if TWO Justins were chosen.

  2. Wandering Justin
    February 3, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    Or we could have an all-Justin Flight Crew!

    Thanks a million for the post, T … maybe sometime soon, we’ll learn that we’re both brand ambassadors for our excellent sport!

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