PROJEKT ROAM: Day of the Dog

How do you put into words something that is indescribable? I’m sure that many of those that are blessed with the companionship of a dog understand what I am speaking of. The richness dogs bring to our lives; simply put, our dogs are an integral part of the heart and soul of our family.

PROJEKT ROAM: Day of the Dog from projekt roam on Vimeo.

Who else would always greet you with a furiously wagging tail, big, toothy doggy grin, and be perpetually happy to see you? Our days are continually filled with love, laughter, and merriment because of these two. Therefore we decided to make a film in tribute of the dog.

Haven’t you ever wondered what your dog was dreaming about as you observe their paws twitching while they sleep? Well, I’m not entirely sure what they dream about, but I do know that every time I grab my bike and whistle for the dogs, they give me a look that says it all. “It’s about damn time I found the means to keep up with them”.

Call me biased like any parent, but I for one, feel as if I am the luckiest person in the world to be able to share my heart and home with two of the best dogs on Earth.

So remember to take a moment every once in a while to let your canine companion know how elated you are to have them in your life.

Projekt Roam was founded by husband and wife, Colt and Jessee Maule in 2010. It has been their mission to travel North America in search of places that celebrate the unparalleled beauty and freedom of not only the bike, but the terrain we ride as well. Plan your own trip to Oakridge, OR and check out more photos, film, and riding locations throughout North America at

Thanks to our sponsors for some great product and to all of our new friends who have helped us out along the way, ride on.

Words: Jessee Maule Photos/Film: Colt Maule

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1 comment for “PROJEKT ROAM: Day of the Dog

  1. Jared & Amber
    April 26, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Wow, I’m glad I found your blog. My husband and I just bought MTN bikes and I’m looking forward to getting into it. You guys seem like quite the mountain bikers. I’m excited about reading more!

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