Love it!

With the torrential rainfall and massive amounts of snow in the higher elevations here, I haven’t been riding lately so not much to write about. However I saw this on Twitter today from @thenoodleator and it’s too good not to share. I absolutely love it!

You can actually order a print or postcard of it here. I think I just might have to buy it…

3 comments for “Love it!

  1. Wandering Justin
    December 1, 2009 at 9:49 am

    I assume they’re about to make the Jump to Light Speed.

  2. Justin
    December 3, 2009 at 7:29 am

    By the way, I have a nifty idea: Let’s get a band of mountain biker bloggers together. We’ll pick a day - on that day, we’ll have a bunch of these bloggers do a guest post on someone else’s blog about their favorite local ride. Kind of give us all a taste of what people from other places ride all the time.

    I thought of this because of your rain and logging woes! Not something we have to worry about here!

  3. mtnbikinggirl
    December 3, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    That’s a great idea! Especially since I just found out last night we’re losing a bunch more trails to logging… Worst part, the rain actually stopped so just when we were able to ride again, the logging trucks fired up

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