Ryder at Work?

Rare sighting of Ryder...

We went for another awesome ride with friends on Forbidden last Wednesday and we couldn’t help but notice that more drainage work was done to lower Cabin Fever and Transmission is rideable! Looks like our friend Ryder* (not his real name) has managed to get out and do some more trail work…

Ryder is the person responsible for building a lot of the trails we’ve been riding lately: Gecko, Green Dome, Cabin Fever, Black Dog, Transmission, Cat Nip, etc.  There are some great stories behind how he named the trails. Maybe if we’re lucky he’ll tell us the stories behind them all?

Ryder has done such a fantastic job that I thought I’d out him to say thanks   We’re not the only ones who’ve been riding over on Forbidden lately and I know of several happy campers who like the trails he’s built as well.

Hmmmm… I wonder what he’s working on next?

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