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Posted by on Nov 8, 2012 in British Columbia, Specialized Trail Crew Posts, Vancouver Island | 0 comments

Quick Fall Ride

I ended up being carless yesterday so my planned ride in Cumberland fell through. After a week of stormy weather I didn’t want to give up the chance to ride in the sunshine so I weighed my options. Do I go for a road ride, or do I ride my Safire to the nearest trail network? A quick internet poll confirmed what I was already thinking. 5 votes for trails, 0 votes for road. Decision made! By the time I was ready to go, it was 3pm. No time to waste if I wanted to ride in daylight… The closest … Continue Reading »

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Posted by on Oct 30, 2012 in British Columbia, Specialized Trail Crew Posts, Vancouver Island | 0 comments

Foggy Ride

Yesterday I decided to go for a quick solo ride while most of my friends were at work. When I got to the parking lot there was one other vehicle so I knew it was going to be quiet on the trails. Funny how many people stop riding once the rain comes...

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