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Posted by on Sep 30, 2009 in Blog Posts, Other Things Bike Related | 7 comments

No Stumpjumper Trail Crew for me :(

Well I didn’t get shortlisted.  Although I’m really not surprised since I don’t lead group rides (not lately anyway) and I haven’t formed some sort of club outside of my own group of friends.  However, I am surprised Colin wasn’t picked.  I get to see how much effort he puts into maintaining and organizing things for the Island Cup Series (DH and XC races here on Vancouver Island) among others, plus he’s a HUGE Specialized Fan.  So now I’m REALLY curious to see who was picked.  I’ve been keeping a close eye on @iamspecialized on Twitter and I suspect this crew is all American.  I wonder if there’s liability issues for choosing people from other countries?

Over the next year I plan on focusing on getting my business off the ground (I’m in the process of starting my own IT company) and recovering from my ankle injury.  I’m hoping they have another crew for the 2011 Stumpjumper…  I’ll absolutely try again!

Now to stay tuned to see who made the cut…


  1. Did they say as much, or are you just guessing that from lack of contact?

    On the upside, you still live in BC, which is an awesome place!

  2. I’m totally guessing. I asked a couple of people from other countries who I thought were awesome candidates if they made the shortlist and they hadn’t either. So I just started to wonder if the charter crew was going to be an American team.

  3. And yes, BC is awesome! I lived in Regina, SK for 5 mos this year and I appreciate BC alot more

  4. Well, may they just be late informing you about the good news. Good luck to ya!

  5. Thanks Justin! Did you make the team? I read your blog when you first posted it.

  6. Well, it’s not lookin’ good for yours truly. I did a blog search this evening to see how many people were crowing about making the cut, but I only found one so far. So we’ll see.

  7. For those of you who found this article via I just wanted to say a few words.

    While yes, Colin and I were initially disappointed by not being chosen, we in no way feel that this contest was a waste. In fact, this contest created opportunities for us! It’s all in what you make of it. Both of us now have established contacts and made friends across North America and beyond for what could be some fantastic mountain biking adventures, including contacts at Specialized in California. I never would have started this blog had it not been for their contest and have somehow amassed a following (who knew?!). Better yet, I’ve been invited to be a guest blogger for an adventure magazine (to be announced when I finally write something for them!).

    This has been an awesome journey and I would encourage Specialized to continue this contest in the future and I’m sorry that some people feel gyped by the experience.

    Thanks Specialized!
    \m/ \m/