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Posted by on Oct 9, 2012 in British Columbia, Kootenays, My Mountain Bike Rides, Specialized Trail Crew Posts | 0 comments

Summer 2012 Road Trip – Fernie, BC

As we rolled into Fernie I could see by the clouds that a weather change was coming. The campground we wanted to stay at was full so we spent the first night in a motel. It was just before a long weekend so we knew we’d have to be quick to get back to the campground the next morning if we wanted to get a spot, especially since it was right at the bottom of a sweet trail network so it was the ideal location. The weather the next day was cloudy and cool. We set up camp and debated … Continue Reading »

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Posted by on Oct 1, 2012 in British Columbia, Kootenays, Specialized Trail Crew Posts | 0 comments

Summer Road Trip 2012 – Golden!

We finally left Kamloops just after noon and made our way to Golden. On our last trip to Golden we spent our time checking out the cross country trails, this time we decided to spend our time on our downhill bikes. First up was Mount Seven. It was a long drive up an old logging road, luckily we had a friend drop us off at the top. Mount Seven is pretty legendary among mountain bikers in my area so I was really looking forward to riding it. Once we got to the top we were greeted by several hang gliders … Continue Reading »

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Posted by on Aug 27, 2012 in British Columbia, Kootenays, My Mountain Bike Rides, Specialized Trail Crew Posts | 0 comments

Summer Road Trip 2012 – First Stop, Kamloops!

Every summer Colin and I do a mountain bike road trip somewhere and this year we decided to hit up the Kootenays in the southeast corner of British Columbia. We knew from a past trip that the riding here was pretty epic so this time we made sure we packed our cross country and downhill bikes! Then we were off to catch the ferry to the mainland to drive to Kamloops where we spent the first night of our trip. Just to get that far was 10 hours in the car, with a two hour ferry ride in there as … Continue Reading »

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